Revisions and Editing

Readers have been notifying me of problems they found in the book and i'm considering fixing them. Then of course updating the book with those changes.I wonder if that would be helpful or a hindrance? It may assist new...

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An interesting thought

Someone suggested the idea of posting Classes/Abilities/Skills to the web or including an appendix in the back.I hadn't thought of this before but it seems like it might prove beneficial. I'm considering creating a revision for the 1st book...

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Book 2: Otherlife Nightmares

Work continues. The outlining process finished the day I published book one. Writing has begun in earnest and we're on our way.I find myself wondering what people thought about my characters as I continue to delve into their minds...

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The Journey Begins

And so we venture out into the wild world of "Indie Author".Have mercy on my poor self.

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