June and into July 2019

Well. Seems Fostering Faust 3 is good and fine. People like it well enough. 🙂
That being said, the Compilation is up and available for those who want the full trilogy in one go.
Next up? Incubus Inc. 07/07.
Any Audiobook questions: Answer-Eventually (Swing shift Audiobook is now available!) – https://www.amazon.com/Swing-Shift/dp/B07V1YQ876/ref=sr_1_1?crid=274U6UOFSLQ43&keywords=swing+shift+william+d+arand&qid=1563281947&s=gateway&sprefix=swing+shift%2Caps%2C149&sr=8-1
Yeah just two,
When do you think it Fostering Faust 3 will be on audible, and please don’t take this the wrong way but is the veilVerse going to continue? I am just curious, other than that love your and Randi Darren books got all of them on audible loved the way the books are tied together it was a fun realization moment when it starts to come to gather. Keep up the great work.